Subsidized Language Courses
Learn a language for only 30 €!
Foreign students can apply only for a Slovenian language course.
Documents required to apply for a subsidized language course:
- Written application – a letter of motivation with your contact information (contact address, E-mail, telephone number)
- Copy of personal document
- Enrolment certificate 2024/2025 (proof that you are a student of the University of Ljubljana)
- Bank account data for the last 3 full months before THE MONTH APPLYING FOR THE SUBSIDIZED LANGUAGE COURSE
- Earnings record for the period of the last 3 full months (if working at the student job center)
- Written statement of unemployment
- Written statement of the number of personal account
The application complete with all the required documents must be sent by post to the address:
Fundacija Študentski tolar, Ustanova ŠOU v Ljubljani, Pivovarniška ulica 6, 1000 Ljubljana (for subsidized language course).
Language courses are explained in slovenian language; translations are from slovenian to foreign languages.
* The letter of motivation is of crucial importance in the selection process. It should be at least one page long and consist of the application for the subsidized course and a detailed explanation of why you should receive the benefit (social and family circumstances, medical condition, study achievements, extracurricular activities and other activities supported by certificates). The applicants should bear in mind that the subsidized courses are intended for individuals who are otherwise unable to afford them.
For any question do not hesitate to contact us.