Free proofreading of diploma and master's theses
Fundacija Študentski tolar publishes a chance for easier completion of higher and post-secondary studies, intended for students of the SOU in Ljubljana who have found themselves in distress due to various events.
Program includes proofreading of diploma or master's theses with a review of the English abstract.
To free proofreading can apply an individual who is completing their studies at any higher education institution of a member of the Študentska organizacija Univerze v Ljubljani (the list is attached to the tender) and is not in full-time employment.
The program lasts until the funds are used up, but no later than 31 December 2023.
Free proofreading is intended for students who write their final theses in Slovene.
Free proofreading of diploma and master's theses are intended only for foreign students who are regularly enrolled at one of the faculties that is a member of the Student Organization of the University of Ljubljana.
The call is not intended for exchange or internship students.